quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

Chinese Theatre

 In the Song Dynasty, there were many popular plays involving acrobatics and music. These developed in the Yuan Dynasty into a more sophisticated form known as zaju, with a four or five act structure. Yuan drama spread across China and diversified into numerous regional forms, the best known of which is Beijing Opera, which is still popular today. It generally involves very elaborated wardrobe and the acting is quite exaggerated and evident.

 Several forms of shadow and puppet theatre have flourished in China during the centuries. The history of shadow theatre in China may indeed be very long. A legend from the 1st century BC tells about an emperor who has lost his beloved and how a shaman brings her back to the emperor in the form of a shadow. On the other hand, it may be possible that shadow theatre in China was born during the Tang Dynasty (618–907), when the Buddhist monks and missionaries visualized their didactic storytelling with shadow puppets. Textual evidence of the shadow theatre is available from the Song Dynasty (960–1279). During that time, it is known that the shadow puppeteers formed their own guild.

 The execution of the puppet’s faces (which are usually shown in profile) is normally most delicate. They follow the conventions of opera make-up. Thus the faces of beautiful ladies and handsome scholars are usually cut so that only a narrow outline of the face is left from the leather to reflect the shape of their faces on the screen. The faces of the painted-face characters and the clowns are done so that their reflections carefully imitate the colourful facial make-up of the opera actors. The heads of the puppets are usually movable so that the costuming of the characters can be changed according to the needs of the play.

 The puppets also include many fantasy figures and animals. Just as on the opera stage, so also in the shadow theatre there are props, also cut of leather, such as chairs, tables, bushes, pens, mirrors, pipes etc. Special effects were created by pieces of coloured glass or mirrors. With a piece of red glass the spurting blood of a brave warrior can be projected while the cool moon with its rays can be projected onto the screen through a metal cylinder. 

terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012

Theatre of Cruelty and Theatre of the Absurd

 The events of the Second World War were held as the main trigger to originate Theatre of the Absurd and Theatre of Cruelty. The disregard for human life and dignity witnessed in times of war made the appearance of a new type of theatre almost inevitable. The disappearance of religion in contemporary life might have also influenced the birth of the Theatre of the Absurd, since it attempted to restore the importance of myth and ritual to everyday life and heart, focusing on the sense of cosmic wonder and supernatural anguish. The Absurd Theatre hopes to achieve this by shocking man out of an existence that has become trite, mechanical and complacent. It is felt that there is a mystical experience in confronting the limits of human condition. Some of the characteristics of this Theatre form include the parody of language, no dramatic conflict, no logic and strange scenic effects. 

 French surrealism acknowledged the subconscious mind as a great, positive healing force as well. However, its contribution to the sphere of drama was meager: indeed it can be said that the Absurd Theatre of the 1950s and 1960s was a belated practical realization of the principles formulated by the Surrealists as early as the 1930s. In this connection, of particular importance were the theoretical writings of Antonin Artaud. Artaud fully rejected realism in the theatre, cherishing a vision of a stage of magical beauty and mythical power. Antonin Artauds’s Surrealism and Theatre of Cruelty was probably the use of theatre that took me most off my comfort zone. With this type of theatre, Artaud hoped to unleash unconscious responses in audiences and performers that were normally inaccessible, plus he wanted audiences to find in the theatre not an area for escape from the world, but the realization of their worst nightmares and deepest fears. In the exercise we did on this, we had to lie down with our eyes closed and make surreal noises, and that was exactly what happened and I kept fearing that I would eventually get attacked at any moment. Although this quite a terrifying experience for me, it helped see the darker side of the theatre that I wasn’t aware of. 

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

How has studying theatre and performance change my way of perceiving theatre and its impacts on every day life considering the different uses and types of theatre learned so far?

 Before entering the course, I considered myself to have a fairly good understanding and perception of theatre. At the time, to read the classic plays (such as Death of a Salesman, The Threepenny Opera, Oedipus etc…) was to me, a considerably solid knowledge of performance and play. Back then, performance was to me the simple displays of entertainment with the stereotypical Hollywood’s purpose of “make ‘em laugh” or “make ‘em cry” that I was exposed to. I honestly (and naively) expected that in these two years, we were merely going to learn the basics of acting and performing, like voice-projection and elementary body language for example. In terms of texts, western pieces were my prediction and thought that I had a pretty solid basis to start the year with. However, I was in for a shock. 

 The very first play we watched as a theatre company was called “Cadavre Exquis” and was my very first contact with experimental theatre which deviated a lot from the conventional form that I was accustomed to. In this theatrical experiment, there were four actors and four directors and each director assembled a 10-minute piece with one rule: they were only allowed to see the last 60 seconds of what the previous person contributed. Though I was familiar with the concept of Cadavre Exquis on paper and with words, this theatrical version was completely new to me and some of the scenes were quite surrealist. The part that I liked most, not only because of its visual impact but mostly due to the fact that I never saw anything like it, was a scene were the stage represented the sea and all four actors were standing on a small floating piece of wood and acted for 10 minutes in that minimal amount of space. The plays that I saw up to that day always followed the conventional and ordinary stage use, by this I mean that the actors were able to use almost the entire stage at all times. I believe that that scene worked very well, because their common goal and cooperation was greatly enhanced by their extreme physical closeness (which could have symbolized their psychological similarities and purposes) and was palpable to the audience.

 We spent quite some time researching and learning about different rituals in different cultures and the impacts they had on the lives of indigenous people. Regarding this topic, I found defining performance, ritual and play very helpful. I found out that ritual, play and performance have a similar history, and often are mistaken for being the same thing. However, each of them has a different set of characteristics that makes them unique. Performance is probably the hardest one to define, since it is included both in play and ritual. It can be stylized/congruent to everyday behavior/ improvised... According to the Performance Studies Textbook, performance is "ritualized behavior conditioned and/or permeated by play". Play and ritual are similar in purposes, however it’s the duration that varies. In both cases, the objective is to change the audiences and/or the actors either permanently (in the case of rituals) or temporarily (in the case of play). Play also gives the audience a change to experience something out of the ordinary and that they wouldn't normally experience in their lives. Rituals can be secular or sacred (non-religious and religious) and date back to 20 000-30 000 years ago.  This changed slightly my perception of performance because I never knew how similar ritual and play really were in terms of concept and impacts. My knowledge on indigenous rituals was quite shallow, and this topic gave me a chance to research in depth a specific ritual (which was the Aboriginal initiation ritual).

 An element that I found was more important than I thought to a performance and/or play is the unity of the ensemble. I confess that I didn’t expect the unity of our theatre group to be a big issue, but it turned to be one of the most important components of these last few months. On most performing projects I’ve been in, there was always a need to unite as a group and do some trusting exercises before the rehearsals actually began. But most of the time, the actors would usually forget that and ignore the remaining ensemble group, and would care about their time on the spotlight. I was quite pessimistic and expected the same with our theatre group, but I was wrong once again. In order for our (and any) ensemble to work, there is a need to work on our unity on a continuous basis. I honestly never thought that we would get along so well, and that definitely had an impact on stage (which I will discuss further on). The composition of the ritual was a big stepping-stone to out unity as a theatre group because that was the first time we ever stressed together and needed to actually cooperate to get something done. And even there were some missing elements on the actual performance of the ritual, it was the journey that counted. And that journey ultimately did what a ritual was supposed to do, which is to change someone or something permanently and we experienced that first hand. Not in the way that we expected it to be, but in a different way, that shaped our unity as an ensemble nonetheless.

 Suzuki and View-pointing were the first topics we focused on. I had never heard of them before, and I was surprised that we didn’t start off with a western classic and instead we began with an alternative oriental method. The method of Tadashi Suzuki was designed to centre de body through the use of the feet, through a series of exercises to through the body off centre.  The exercises used in this method are made to recalibrate the way the actor moves, and my first impression of these exercises was that they were very physically demanding. I initially thought that being an avid sportsman would help endure the cardio that Suzuki training requires, but I then discovered that it was the walking and stomping that was the most demanding. Having a good sense of stillness was another big part of the Suzuki method and I believe we all struggled with keeping our body position strong and perfectly still at the same time. This was quite in showing that a still image could have a big impact on the audience, even more so if the actor is actually physically struggling and being still at the same time. Controlling breath, enhancing focus and reflecting struggles into movements are the basis of Suzuki’s training. In class we often used these three elements at the same time, which was very difficult at first. One of the exercises with those three was reciting text while on a strong position. We were already quite exhausted and we had to maintain a still position while reciting a passage from the Divine Comedy, which was arduous due to our trouble breathing.
 Along with Suzuki, the SITI Company’s View-pointing training was another method we focused on in the beginning of the year. The very basic definition of the Viewpoints is to help the actor deal with time and space. We have mainly focused on topography, spatial relationship, tempo, duration, kinesthetic response and repetition. This was the topic that really showed the evolution of our ensemble. Whenever we trained view pointing, we spread across the hall and try to create interesting stories without any dialogues. Individually, we could only work with stillness and extreme fast (sometimes extreme slow) in terms of tempo, and we were free to choose our floor pattern and repetition to make have an interesting spatial relationship. What really showed our development as a group was the Kinesthetic Response. If the exercise involved music, then we needed to react as a group to the different musical changes (using mostly our hearing to control our movements). But after being told that the music was for the audience, we did the same exercise without the music and then we needed to communicate as an ensemble to know when to stop and when to move. In beginning, we were completely disorganized and uncoordinated but as we began to know each other on and off-stage, our group reaction to Kinesthetic Response was much better and it seemed like we could almost telepathically talk to each other.

 Recently, we’ve looked at the different uses of theatre in different times. I focused on Greek Theatre, and I found it very interesting to learn more about the origins of modern theatre and the actual structures of Greek tragedies and comedies for religious purposes. Another use of theatre we learned about was one based on the work of Augusto Boal that went from town to town using theatre to help people get through social problems (like alcoholism for example). By using the whole community in a series of role-playing exercises, a person or group would be confronted with their problems and everyone would try to find a solution to the issue that affected him/them using theatre. We did a similar exercise in class focusing on the inferiority complex that a member had towards her siblings, and I then realized the impact that reliving those episodes really had and how theatre was indeed a powerful weapon that can both hurt and help. Antonin Artauds’s Surrealism and Theatre of Cruelty was probably the use of theatre that took me most of my comfort zone. With this type of theatre, Artaud hoped to unleash unconscious responses in audiences and performers that were normally inaccessible, plus he wanted audiences to find in the theatre not an area for escape from the world, but the realization of their worst nightmares and deepest fears. In the exercise we did on this, we had to lie down with our eyes closed and make surreal noises, and that was exactly what happened and I kept fearing that I would eventually get attacked at any moment. Although this quite a terrifying experience for me, it helped see the darker side of the theatre that I wasn’t aware of. 

 Lastly, we are currently working on a piece of Documentary Theatre written by Lola Arias that focuses on the deaths and lives of 5 teenagers that committed suicide. I was completely unaware that this type of performance existed and I quickly became excited about this project. Being an enthusiastic of biographies and documentaries, the thought of making a piece of theatre with a similar form was a breath of fresh air regarding a concept that I thought could not evolve more.

 I believe it is needless to say that my perception of theatre has changed a lot during these last few months. I had a very narrow and shallow understanding of performance, and now it seems that the more I learn, the more I see how big and different the world of theatre really is. Even though I became more open-minded and more considerate of the different uses of theatre, I know see performance everywhere and how theatre is all around us, without us really noticing it. As a theatre student, learning about documentary theatre and theatre of the absurd has made me become more attentive to different sounds and possibly news that could inspire a play or even a scene. As an individual, learning about the work of Augusto Boal made me aware of how theatre could possibly help me and others get through hard times, and my ensemble experience has made me realize how unity and cooperation can really make a difference when working with a group of people. What amazes me is that all this information was gathered from (not even) a term of Theatre classes. What other uses and types of performing arts future holds for me to learn, only time will tell. 

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012

As Aventuras e Desventuras do Capitão Ventura e do seu Criado Gijon- Review

  The play we saw, roughly translated to “The Adventures and Misadventures of Captain Venture and his Servant Girón”, is a good example of Educational Theatre. This type of theatre is more commonly performed to young people, and tends to have a message of morals and basic civic principles as the play develops. Like this play, it has a very simple storyline (usually with a twist) and uses stereotypical characters. This comedy is set on the house of Captain Venture, who is going to propose to his loved one that day. Along with his servant and companion Girón, they set out to the princess’s castle only to find out that an evil prince has kidnapped her. They then set out on a quest to find her, coming across many danger situations like facing a bear and an evil witch. After rescuing her, we find out that the princess wasn’t really kidnapped and that it was her uncle that set this test to see if the captain really loved her. The main messages of this play were to be courageous and to help the innocent and weak; that there is no problem in being afraid sometimes; the importance of friendship and intelligence; and the classic “love conquers all”. The setting was quite minimalistic, and there were very few props as well. The horse riding effect was produced only by sound (the actors mimicked the hooves) and a small plastic swimming pool constituted a river. There were four actors that played various characters, and the acting style was very over-the-top and exaggerated (common in Portuguese children’s plays). The forth wall was broken repeatedly, and there were some parts were the character would come off stage and start addressing and asking questions to the audience right beside them. This plus the introduction of familiar characters (such as the little red ridding hood and the bad wolf), managed to achieve a great level of audience interaction. In the end, even though the play lacked in visual beauty and actual theatrical value, it managed to achieve what it wanted: the play arose the audience and there were moments of a good audience-actor interaction that made it fun to watch.

Documentary Theatre and Lola Arias

Documentary theatre is a form of theatre that uses pre-existing documents and factual material (such as newspapers, government reports, interviews, etc.) as a source of material for the script. It can be used to give different sides to a specific story or event, and its impartial tone is also used not to enforce any bias against one character or element. The use of official documents has a more powerful impact on the audience since they realize that the events spoken about or performed on stage did actually happen. Documentary theatre has existed as a genre for as long as theatre itself has existed. The first dramatic documentary impulse dates back to 492 BC when the ancient Greek playwright Phrynicus produced his play The Capture of Miletus about the Persian War. The genre can be traced back to the European medieval mystery plays, Elizabethan England and Shakespeare's historical tragedies, French revolutionary patriotic dramas, British and American 1930s Living Newspapers and German plays about the Holocaust.

 Lola Arias (born in 1976) is a playwright, songwriter, and director and her plays are based on documentary theatre. Most of her theatre work has some elements in common. One of them is the frenetic action moments and interesting use of space and setting. The restless action can be seen in “Mi vida después” were the use of rock music, pattern movements and intensive energy (more specifically, when they’re tearing clothes apart). In “Revolver”, the setting consists of only one bed, and the only lighting we can see is a strip of light that can only illuminate a small segment of what is happening. The two characters talk in a pre and post sex manner in a poetic way and they are in their underwear, creating a higher level of intimacy. In “Striptease” the setting consists of a crib on the center of the stage with a baby in it, while there are two characters on opposite sides of the stage. Her plays are usually not very clear in form, however they usually consist on moments and intense acting (like in “Striptease). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx-psE4RFVM&feature=player_embedded

We are now working on a play written by her called “The Suicides” which focuses on the lives and deaths of 5 teenagers from a village in Argentina called Rosario de la Frontera. Following the standards of documentary theatre and Lola Arias’ work, the play is driven narrated by the teenagers telling their story in the after life, reading newspaper articles about themselves. We’re are still in a primary stage of this project and I will be updating as the story develops.